
Biology Repositories


Convert population genetics/omics data from genind to DIYABC format for bayesain demographic history modeling


Calculate population-level pairwise fixation indices using the unbiased method in Hudson et al. 1992


Import, extract, parse, and compare results of demographic history models.


Replicate simulation models described in Chapin et al. 2019 Behavioral Ecology


GitHub: chapinkj

Coding and Development

Fluent Languages

Python, R, PL/SQL, HTML, markdown, Javascript/Typescript, yaml/toml, shell/BASH, Netlogo

Conversant Languages

MATLAB, SAS, Sass, Latex, PHP, Mathematica, Visual Basic


Pipeline design, database architecture, data security, version control, continuous integration, workflows

Servers and Databases

AWS, HPC Systems, Snowflake, Redcap, Postgresql, MySQL, github, SLURM, ESRI


Django, Flask, Jinja2, React, LAMP stack, R Shiny, REST APIs, Javascript (React, dataTables, d3, plotly)

Analysis and Visualization


Frequentist and Bayesian, multivariate, ordinal, non-linear and non-parametric


Predictive, simulation, agent-based, analytical, and mixed-effects modeling


Supervised, unsupervised and reinforced machine learning; tensorflow, pytorch


Expert in distilling complex data for popular audiences; R, plotly, Shiny, matplotlib


Geospatial analysis, geocoding, address parsing, GIS, ESRI, Google Maps API



High-throughput (Illumina, Roche), Sanger, restriction enzyme, genotyping-by-sequencing

Wet Lab

DNA extract, purification, quantification; PCR, electrophoresis, Sanger sequencing


Sequence processing and alignment, de novo genome assembly, variant calling, metagenomics


Phylogenetics, metagenomics, population and landscape genetics, demographic modeling

Evolutionary Biology × Behavioral Ecology

How does an organism's behavior shape its evolution?


  • Invasive and Endangered Species
  • Ancient-lineage Arthropods
  • Cave, Desert, and Forest Canopy Specialists
  • Eusocial Colonies
  • Microbes and Microbiomes
  • Human Populations
  • Virtual and Theoretical Systems


  • Inferential Statistics
  • Information Theory
  • Machine Learning
  • Simulation Modeling
  • Genomics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Geographic Information Systems


  • Molecular Genomics
  • High Throughput Sequencing
  • Fluorometry
  • Behavioral Assays
  • Python, R, Postgres, NetLogo
  • Fullstack Web Development
  • High Performance Cluster Computing

Scientific Publications

Google Scholar: nl6d1xcAAAAJ

ORCID: 0000-0002-8382-4050

Publication Image Publication Image Publication Image Publication Image Publication Image
Chapin KJ, Kittle A, Dornhaus A. 2022. Social pseudoscorpion nest architecture provides direct benefits to group members and rivals the efficiency of honey bees. Journal of Arachnology 50:323-334 pdf doi
Wynne JJ, Niemiller ML, Chapin KJ. 2022. Evolutionary dynamics of cave and surface organisms. In: Cave Biodiversity: Speciation and Diversity of Subterranean Fauna. John Hopkins Press. site
Chapin KJ, Paat V, Dornhaus A. 2022. Brood as booty: the effect of colony size and resource value in social insect contests. Behavioral Ecology 33:549-555. pdf doi
Chapin KJ, Jones MR, Winkler DE, Rink G, Massatti R. 2022. Evolutionary dynamics inform management interventions of a hanging garden obligate, Carex specuicola. Frontiers in Conservation Science: Conservation Genomics 3: pdf doi
Briffa M, Lane SM, Chapin KJ, Peixoto PEC. 2020. Using ternary plots to investigate continuous variation in animal contest strategies. Animal Behaviour 167:85-99 pdf doi
Winkler DE, Chapin KJ, Garmon JD, Gaut BS, Huxman TE. 2020. Sahara mustard as a major threat to desert biodiversity in the southwest United States and the need to integrate contemporary methods to understand its biology. Evolution and Ecology 10:14453 pdf doi
Kattge J, Bönisch G, Díaz S, Lavorel S,…Chapin KJ, et al. 2019. TRY plant trait database - enhanced coverage and open access. Global Change Biology 26:119-188 pdf doi
Chapin KJ Peixoto PE, Briffa M.2019. The point of the triangle and utility of repeated measures: a response to comments on Chapin et al. Behavioral Ecology 30:1191-1192 pdf doi
Chapin KJ. 2019. Guano deposition predicts top predator (Amblypygi: Phrynidae) abundance in subtropical caves. Journal of Arachnology 47:385-388 pdf doi
Chapin KJ, Peixoto PEC, Briffa M. 2019. Further mismeasures of animal contests: a new framework for assessment strategies. Behavioral Ecology 30:1177-1185 pdf doi
Winkler DE, Lin MY, Delgadillo J, Chapin KJ, Huxman TE. 2019. Early life history responses and phenotypic shifts in a rare endemic plant responding to climate change. Conservation Physiology 7:coz076 pdf doi
Winkler DE, Chapin KJ, François O, Garmon JD, Gaut BS, Huxman TE. 2019. Multiple introductions and population structure during the rapid expansion of the invasive Sahara mustard (Brassica tournefortii). Ecology & Evolution doi: 10.1002/ece3.5239 pdf doi
Chapin KJ, Smith KH. 2019. Vertically stratified arthropod diversity in Florida upland hardwood forests. Florida Entomologist 102:1 doi
Chapin KJ, Winkler DE, Wiencek P, Agnarsson I. 2018. Island biogeography and ecological modeling of the amblypygid Phrynus marginemaculatus in the Florida Keys archipelago. Ecology & Evolution 8:9139-9151 pdf doi
Chapin KJ, Chen E. 2018. Reproductive strategy of a cave-living arachnid with indeterminate growth (Phrynus longipes). Journal of Arachnology 46:380-383 pdf doi
McArthur IW, Miranda G, Seiter M, Chapin KJ. 2018. Global patterns of sexual dimorphism of Amblypygi. Zoologischer Anzeiger 273:56-64. doi
Winkler DE, Gremer JR, Chapin KJ, Kao M, Huxman TE. 2018. Rapid alignment of functional trait variation with locality across the invaded range of Sahara mustard (Brassica tournefortii). American Journal of Botany 105:1188-1197 pdf doi
Chapin KJ. 2017. Arthropod Life History. In Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. SpringerNature doi:10.1007/978-3-319-47829-6_820-1 pdf doi
Chapin KJ, Reed-Guy S. 2017. Territoriality mediates atypical size-symmetric cannibalism in the Amblypygi Phrynus longipes. Ethology 123:772-777 pdf doi
Chapin KJ, Nonacs PN, Hayes L. 2017. Evaluating an open-exam approach to engaging students in evolutionary paradoxes: Cheating to Learn. American Biology Teacher 79:140-144 pdf doi
Winkler DE, Chapin KJ, Kueppers LM. 2016. Soil moisture mediates alpine life form and community productivity responses to warming. Ecology 97:1553-1563 pdf doi
Chapin KJ, Hill-Lindsay S. 2016. Territoriality evidenced by asymmetric intruder-holder motivation in an amblypygid. Behavioural Processes 122:110-115 pdf doi
Chapin KJ, Hebets EA. 2016. Invited Review: The behavioral ecology of amblypygids. Journal of Arachnology 44:1-14 pdf doi
Chapin KJ. 2015. Cave-epigean behavioral variation of the whip spider Phrynus longipes (Arachnida: Amblypygi) evidenced by activity, vigilance, and aggression. Journal of Arachnology. 43:214-219 pdf doi
Chapin KJ. 2014. Microhabitat and spatial complexity predict group size of the whip spider Heterophrynus batesii in Amazonian Ecuador. Journal of Tropical Ecology 30:173-177 pdf doi
Chapin KJ. 2011. A subcuticular permanent marking technique (Visual Implant Elastomer) for Scorpions. Journal of Arachnology 39:194-6 pdf doi
Chapin KJ, Meylan PA. 2011. Turtle populations at a heavily used recreational site: Ichetucknee Springs State Park, Columbia and Suwannee Counties, Florida. Herpetological Conservation & Biology 6:51-60 pdf


Latin American Institute
Denver Museum of Nature and Science
American Museum of Natural History
Tubb Canyon Desert Conservancy
University of Arizona
Animal Behavior Society
Explorers Club
American Arachnology Society
UC Davis

About Kenny

Dr. Kenny Chapin is an evolutionary biologist and science communicator with a lifelong passion to inspire others about the natural world. He holds degrees in biology, including a PhD in biology from UCLA.

Dr. Chapin has authored dozens of scientific and educational publications in academic journals and books like Animal Behaviour, Behavioral Ecology, and American Biology Teacher; presented at invited lectures and conferences around the globe; and served as a visiting scientist and lecturer at UCLA, UC Davis, and the University of Arizona.

His work has been featured in science news outlets like BBC, National Geographic, The Science Times, Earth Touch News, SciShow, Bad Science, and Science Moab.

Represented by Headwater Literary

Kenneth Chapin Kenneth Chapin Kenneth Chapin Kenneth Chapin Kenneth Chapin Kenneth Chapin Kenneth Chapin Kenneth Chapin Kenneth Chapin

Press and Media


6 Animals with extraordinary adaptations to cave life

Living in a cave isn’t easy, but these six cave-dwelling animals have gained some amazing traits to help them survive there! Watch @ Scishow

BBC News

The spider so terrifying that it has its own publicist

He has spent years studying these violent and terrifying-looking animals, and assures that they are truly “delicate and shy” beings. Read @ BBC News

National Geographic

Watch Cannibal ‘Scorpions’ Fight

With long, spiky legs and formidable fangs, tailless whip scorpions look a lot scarier than they are… Read @ National Geographic

The Scientist

Meet the arachnid that may add a new chapter to the book on sensory biology

Whip spiders, also known as tailless whip scorpions, are actually neither spiders nor scorpions. Read @ The Scientist

Earth Touch News

Cannibal Battle: Whip Scorpion Turf Wars can be Deadly

Tailless whip scorpions are fiercely territorial - and willing to fight for their turf. Scientists recently set out to learn more about the behaviour. Read @ Earth Touch News

Science Times

Great Whip Spider Boom: Are These Exotic Arachnids a Spider or Tailless Scorpions?

The current surge of behavioral and neurophysiological studies about whip spiders has opened a doorway into their strange sensory world. Read @ Science Times

Science Moab

Understanding How Animals Behave

There is shockingly little known about why animals behave the ways they do. Here, we speak with Dr. Kenny Chapin who explains what we know about animal behavior… Listen @ KZMU

Bad Science Podcast

Adaptation with Nadia Osman & Dr. Kenneth Chapin

The current surge of behavioral and neurophysiological studies about whip spiders has opened a doorway into their strange sensory world. Listen @ Seeker Podcasts